Nuestro Equipo

Live Oak Jumbotron Image
Andrea Freerksen Portrait
  • Therapist

Andrea Freerksen

Corina's photo captures her dark brown hair, which is curly and shoulder length with a part to one side, white skin with rosey cheeks. In the photo, Corina is wearing a black and white sweater that goes to her knees, and is open in front with a black tank top underneath. The top half of the sweater appears speckled with black and white while the bottom half of the sweater is white. Corina is leaning forward with her elbows resting on top of the metal handle at the top of a chair. Corina's hands are folded together. The chair is largely out of the frame of the picture. Corina is smiling and looking directly at the camera. Corina identifies as a cis, queer, white, Italian America and Irish American woman.
  • Leadership & Admin
  • Supervisor
  • Therapist

Corina Maria Teofilo Mattson

Andreina Phelan identifies as a cisgender woman, light complected Latine with shoulder length brown hair and brown eyes, smiles at the camera. She is wearing a long sleeve button up shirt with light blue and white stripes and gold color earings.
  • Leadership & Admin
  • Therapist

Andreina Phelan