Our Team

Live Oak Jumbotron Image
Janay, a medium-toned black woman smiles at the camera while holding a long white cane.
  • Therapist

Janay Anthony


MA in Couples and Family Therapy



773.880.1310 ext. 7254


Supervised By:

Values & Philosophy

My name is Janay and I’m a Black, queer, multi-disabled, polyamorous woman who embraces curiosity, creativity, humor, and intentionality. I name these sides of myself because they are important aspects of my identity that impact how I show up as a therapist. Likewise, I encourage my clients to bring all of who they are into our work together, so that we can forge a strong therapeutic relationship based in authenticity, compassion, and trust.

I prioritize consent and collaboration in my work, so that my clients feel safe enough to dive deep within themselves and find the transformation they desire. With self-reflection, gentle challenges, and perhaps some tears & laughter along the way, my clients are able to instill lasting changes in their lives and relationships.

My clinical work tends to focus on various facets of human sexuality and the inner workings of intimate relationships. By remaining curious about the unique ways people relate to their own sexuality, I’m able to provide a space where clients are welcome to explore themselves and each other. I’m comfortable working with individuals and various relationship types on sexual topics including kink and ethical non-monogamy, and am pursuing AASECT certification as a sex therapist.

I also have a background in the arts that impacts my clinical approach. I value collaborating with my clients to create a therapeutic environment that truly feels like their own. I’ve incorporated tools such as astrology, tarot, art, music, roleplaying, and storytelling into work with my clients, and invite them to bring anything that could feel helpful in reaching their therapy goals.

Education & Training


Northeastern Illinois University, 2023

Columbia College Chicago, 2017

Areas of Focus & Specialization

  • Sexual Development Across the Lifespan
  • Kink-Affirming Practice
  • Poly & Ethical Non-monogamy Affirming Practice
  • Identity Exploration, Development, and Intersectionality
  • Depression, Anxiety, and Stress
  • Complex Family Dynamics

I Work With

  • Individuals
  • Relationships (triads, polycules, metamours, constellations, couples.)
  • Families (chosen & family of origin)


  • LGBTQ Affirmative Practice
  • Feminist Approaches
  • Systemic Approaches
  • Narrative Approaches
  • Solution-Focused Approaches