Licenced Clinical Psychologist
Director of Clinical Training, Clinical Supervisor, Trans Affirming Psychotherapist, Training Team
Supervised By:
I believe that the most amazing things about humans are our relationships and our interconnectedness. I have always been moved by stories, and I chose the study of psychology because the work allows me to connect with, and to be a small part in, the narratives of people’s lives.
The narratives of our life inform the extent to which we believe that we can control our choices. Even when life feels out of our control, we can find hope in choosing how we move through the world. As a therapist, I work with people to make choices about how to move through pain. Therapy is a unique way of being in a relationship where my job is to be present with you while you explore your history, your lived experiences, and your inner world so that you can be more present in your life and make choices that feel meaningful.
Change is a complex and cyclical process that is shaped not only by personal lived experiences but also by the impacts of the larger world around us. I deeply value an intersectional lens in my work, and I work from the richness and complexity of my own identities. I am a fat, agender, queer, spiritual practitioner who is white. This means that I move from the center to the outskirts constantly; I never know when I will be seen as an outsider, and I know what it means to move through a world that I do not fit in. If you resonate with what I have shared here, and think we might be a good match to work together please feel free to reach out.
LCP, 071009766
Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation, 2018
The Chicago School of Professional Psychology, 2016
Chestnut Hill College, 2009
Pennsylvania State University, 2005
EMDR Practitioner Training
EMDR Consulting, 2018