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Compassion Fatigue, Vicarious Traumatization, & Resilience: Balancing Care for Self and Others

April 4, 2025 9:00 am - 12:00 pm Central Time Trainer: Audrey Gralnek Habermann, Stephanie Terrell Fee: $75/$60 discounted (We offer a discounted pricing for BIPOC folks, Trans folks, folks with a disability and folks with limited economic resources) CEUs: 3 (Live Oak offers CEUs for social workers, marriage and family therapists, professional counselors and psychologists through the Illinois Dept. of Financial and Professional Regulation. Live Oak has partnered with Centered Therapy Chicago to provide CEUs for psychologists.) Continuing Education Requirements: This training meets the "Cultural Competency" continuing education requirement for social workers, marriage and family therapists, professional counselors, and psychologists who are licensed in the state of Illinois through the Illinois Dept. of Financial and Professional Regulation. Location: Zoom

As helping professionals, we may not be fully prepared for the psychological, physical, spiritual, and emotional  impact of our work with people impacted by trauma. Historically, attention to vicarious trauma and compassion  fatigue has been relegated to a study module, a one-time discussion, an assigned reading, or agency supervision,  rather than being an integrated component of our daily lives as helpers. This brief workshop will provide an opportunity to explore the benefits of developing a common language around vicarious traumatization, and  explicitly integrating on-going discussions around compassion fatigue, vicarious traumatization, and self-care into  the fabric of trauma-informed practice.

Goals for the Discussion
Upon conclusion of the workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Identify how trauma work impacts physical, personal, relational, and spiritual life perspectives.
  • Differentiate burnout from compassion fatigue, vicarious traumatization, secondary traumatic stress,  posttraumatic growth, and vicarious resilience.
  • State five vulnerabilities for developing compassion fatigue.
  • State five resiliencies for reducing compassion fatigue.
  • Heighten awareness of the impact of helping (depleters) from personal, interpersonal, and transpersonal  perspectives.
  • Identify personal self-care strategies (replenishers) and heighten awareness of the extent to which current  self-care strategies address the ways participants are depleted.
  • Enhance and/or develop new self-care strategies that are practical, efficient, and intentional.

Live Oak offers a 15% discount for students to attend trainings. Please reach out to to receive a discount code for the workshop you’d like to attend.

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