Life is Too Short

I remember as an adult, when I would share with my mother frustration or anger I felt toward one or both of my brothers, her consistent response was:  “Oh Jeff, life’s too short.  Don’t be like that.”  When I think about it now, I realize she told me that many times,...

Assume Good Intention…

Just over 10 years ago, I was asked to write an article about my experience as a gay man in 2005 versus my experience as a gay man in 1995.  The article was published and entitled:  Talking Back to Heterosexism:  A Decade of Lessons Learned.  I shared some of my...

If You Really Knew Me

While discussing a case with a colleague, the topic of feeling fraudulent arose.   The young woman she was working with was exceptionally bright, attractive, and accomplished, yet still she felt a sense of fraudulence.  She believed that if others really knew her,...

What Are You?

Over the weekend, my partner and I were meeting with a man who was going to do some work on our home.  After we talked more specifically about the work, we engaged in some casual conversation. This man shared he is in therapy (before he even knew I was a social...

This Is For You

Black Friday and Cyber Monday usher in the season of gift giving for many of us.  A number of my clients have started sessions by telling me they are already done buying gifts this year.  Others have shared how stressful it is to think about buying gifts for family...

For Those Who Come After

When I returned to Chicago in the late 1980’s, I remember reading the obituaries in Gay Chicago Magazine and related publications.  Every week there were longer lists of gay men who had died.  It was the first section of the paper I turned to each week, wondering who...

The New Normal

After a crisis, illness, or other difficult life events, many people reach out to me to talk about their experience.  One of the first questions I am often asked is:  “When will life get back to normal again”? We all have that desire to return to what is familiar; to...

When Relationships End

Is it the end or the beginning? For many, ending a relationship can be a time of stress, self-doubt and worry, “Will I ever find love again?” “Am I doing the right thing?” “What will it be like if my partner finds someone else?”  “How will I get through the sadness of...

Why Wait?

As the new year approaches, I review the past year for lessons learned and changes I’d like to carry with me into the coming year. I also use the end of the year to talk with my clients, the Live Oak community, and colleagues who seek me out for consultation or...

Tender To The Touch

Almost 35 years ago I was a direct care worker in a state psychiatric hospital for children and adolescents.  In those days, the length of time in care could be up to or even longer than two years.  One of my favorite times to work was the 3-11 shift, working with...